Bullet PURPOSE: R package that considers an ensemble of finite mixture models combined with a local false discovery rate (fdr) for analyzing ChIP-seq data comparing two samples. This package can also be used to identify differential in other high throughput data such as microarray and DNA methylation.

The package may be downloaded from the links below or from http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/DIME/.

 Bullet Software (For running on Linux; in a zipped, tar file; compiled with R 2.15)

 Bullet Software (For running on Mac; in a gzip-compressed archive)

 Bullet Software (For running on Windows; in a zipped)

 Bullet Instructions for installing DIME.

 Bullet Manual for running DIME.

 Bullet Sample data Pol II Chip-seq data (R object)

 Bullet This package is primarily authored by Cenny Taslim, with contributions from Dustin Potter, Abbas Khalili, and Shili Lin. Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) trainees Yue (Phoenix) Xu and Leslie Watkins also contributed to the testing of the software.

 Bullet References:

 Bullet please contact Cenny Taslim at Cenny.Taslim@osumc.edu or Shili Lin at shili@stat.osu.edu for questions.